Terms and conditions of participation in Sano Seminars
1. Introduction
These terms and conditions define the rules of participation in online meetings with training purposes organized by Sano – Center for Computational Personalised Medicine – International Research Foundation, based in Krakow, Poland (hereinafter also referred to as “Sano”).
2. Definitions
The terms used in these Terms and Conditions shall have the following meanings:
a) Organizer – Sano – Center for Computational Personalised Medicine – International Research Foundation with its registered office in Kraków, at ul. Czarnowiejska 36 bud. C5, 30-054 Kraków entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs and in the Register of
Associations, Other Social and Professional Organizations, Foundations and Independent Public Health Care Institutions of the National Court Register by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, XI Economic Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000797490, NIP 6772446472, REGON 384298430; e-mail: info@sanoscience.org, phone +12 307 27 37.
b) Participant – an individual taking part in Sano Seminars;
c) Speaker – a Participant who delivers a lecture during Sano Seminars;
d) Terms and Conditions – these terms and conditions;
e) Sano Seminars – an online seminar of a training nature carried out by the Organizer through the Internet service aimed at obtaining or supplementing the Participants’ knowledge;
f) Website – the service provided by Zoom Video Communications Inc. to conduct and manage Sano Seminars;
g) T&Cs – the General Terms and Conditions set forth by the Website.
3. General provisions
1. The Terms and Conditions are made available to Participants via the Organizer’s website in a form that allows its acquisition, reproduction and recording.
2. The Participant is obliged to become familiar with the content of the Terms and Conditions before using Sano Seminars.
3. Each Participant is obliged to comply with the provisions of the law and these Terms and Conditions.
4. Technical conditions of Sano Seminars
In order to participate in Sano Seminars, it is necessary to have a computer or other electronic device with access to the Internet, an active e-mail account and appropriate software, including an Internet browser. Sano Seminars will be held via Zoom, which the Participant can use via a link through a web browser.
5. Rules of Participation
1. The contract between the Participant and the Organizer for participation in the selected Sano Seminars is concluded when the Participant enters the link redirecting to the Zoom website of the specific Sano Seminars, which is located on the Organizer’s website under the Seminars tab (https://sano.science/seminars/).
2. By entering the link redirecting to the Zoom website of a specific Sano Seminars, the Participant confirms that he/she has read the Terms and Conditions.
4. Participants undertake to use Sano Seminars and the Website in accordance with applicable laws, rules of social coexistence, provisions of these Terms and Conditionsand Website regulations and accepted customs, and in particular not to violate the rights of other Sano Seminars participants.
5. Participation in Sano Seminars is free of charge.
6. It is not permitted to record, share or transmit the content of Sano Seminars without the prior consent of the Organizer. Participants do not have the right to reproduce/market the content of Sano Seminars or make it available to third parties in any way. Sano reserves the right to block access to Sano Seminars to a Participant who violates this prohibition.
7. The Participant is obliged to immediately inform the Organizer if during Sano Seminars he/she provides information that constitutes company secrets, confidential information or data subject to legal protection. The Organizer shall not be liable to the Participant or any third party for any use of such information or any other information provided by the Participant. In the absence of such information on the part of the Participant, Sano is not responsible for the use of such information in the manner indicated in sections 6.4 and 6.5.
8. Participants are obliged to maintain personal culture and not to disrupt the course of Sano Seminars.
9. The Organizer is entitled to exclude from participation in Sano Seminars persons who
violate the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, and in particular:
• disrupt the course of Sano Seminars,
• take actions that are against the law, against good morals or that harm the legitimate interests of third parties;
• take actions aimed at circumventing or indicating an attempt to circumvent the
Terms and Conditions or rules of holding Sano Seminars;
• take actions that violate the legitimate interests of the Organizer or harm its image;
10. The Organizer informs that participation in Sano Seminars is of a training nature and does not constitute advertising of individual institutions represented by Sano Seminars participants.
11. The Organizer is not responsible for events resulting from the Participants’ failure to comply with the Terms and Conditions.
12. Participants have the right to actively participate in Sano Seminars by asking questions and participating in discussions at the time designated by the Organizer.
13. Sano Seminars are conducted in English. The Organizer does not provide translations.
6. Copyright
1. All materials presented during Sano Seminars, including recordings, presentations, articles, case studies, are protected by copyright.
2. Participants may not copy, distribute, modify or use materials and information made available during Sano Seminars without the express permission of the Organizer.
3. Upon conclusion of the agreement referred to in sec. 5.1, Sano grants Participants a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use the content of Sano Seminars, exclusively for Participants’ own purposes. Participants do not have the right to reproduce, market, make available to third parties or grant further licenses.
4. The course of Sano Seminars in whole or in part will be recorded in the form of a recording or audio-video recordings. The recordings and photo-recording in whole, in part or a compilation thereof may be posted on the Organizer’s website and on any of the Organizer’s social networks, in particular on social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, X, Instagram, Slack, etc. for informational, documentary, educational, didactic, advertising and promotional purposes of the Organizer and Sano Seminars. The materials may be made available to an unlimited circle of viewers, who will be able to get acquainted with them, including as part of a collective work, incombination with works and elements freely chosen by the Organizer (including, but not limited to, other Sano Seminars, the graphic design of the platforms on which it would be placed, images and sound) as well as in their elaborations, adaptations.
5. The Organizer will record Participants’ statements and questions during Sano Seminars for the purpose of archiving and possible further sharing, in the manner mentioned above along with recordings of Sano Seminars. By speaking, the Participant is aware that his/her statements may be made available in accordance with the rules referred to in para. 4 above, and by participating in Sano Seminars agrees to this. The Organizer, at the request of a Participant who is not a Speaker, may remove recorded materials to the extent that they relate to the Participant.
7. Privacy and Personal Data
1. During participation in Sano Seminars, the following data is collected: email, username, audio, video, information posted in chat rooms, answers given in surveys (if applicable).
2. This data is processed solely for the purpose of Sano Seminars and communication with Participants.
3. Participants, acknowledge that the seminar is recorded, and if they speak during the seminar, their statements will be recorded. If the Participant does not agree to this he/she has the option not to participate in Sano Seminars.
8. Liability
1. The Organizer is not responsible for technical problems of Participants that may affect the ability to participate in Sano Seminars.
2. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel Sano Seminars or change the Speaker for reasons beyond its control. Information that Sano Seminars will not take place or there is a change of Speaker will be published on the Organizer’s website. The Organizer will not be liable to Participants or Speakers for any compensation or damages on this account.
3. The Organizer shall not be liable for any disruptions, including interruptions, in the operation of the Website caused by force majeure, unauthorized acts of third parties or incompatibility of the Website with the Participant’s IT infrastructure.
4. To the extent that it is permissible under applicable law, in particular subject to Article 473 § 2 of the Civil Code, the Organizer’s liability for any consequences related to the Participants’ use of Sano Seminars, including damages resulting therefrom or inability to use them, is excluded, in particular for damages resulting from defects/failures/defects of the Website occurring for reasons beyond the Organizer’s control.
5. The Organizer is not responsible for the content of the Sano Seminars and materials provided by the Speakers.
9. Providing Services by Electronic Means
1. The Organizer provides services by electronic means in accordance with the Act on Providing Services by Electronic Means.
2. The Organizer ensures the security of Participants’ personal data by using appropriate technical and organizational measures.
3. The Organizer is not responsible for the stored data unless it has knowledge of its unlawful nature. In case of obtaining information about unlawful data, access to it will be immediately blocked.
4. The Participant may resign from Sano Seminars at any time by terminating participation in it, in which case the service agreement is terminated.
10. Complaints
1. The Participant has the right to file complaints regarding the use of Sano Seminars by e-mail to: info@sanoscience.org.
2. The Participant has the right to file complaints within no more than 14 days from the date of occurrence of the circumstances covered by the complaint.
3. A properly filed complaint should contain at least the following data:
• identification of the Participant (including his name, surname, mailing address (home address or electronic address);
• description of the problem giving rise to the complaint.
4. The Organizer shall consider the complaints within 14 days of their receipt. The Organizer will immediately notify the complainant of their result at the mailing address provided by the complainant. Dealing with complaints will consist in indicating whether the problems with the use of Sano Seminars resulted from the Organizer’s fault or from other causes; if it is possible (at no cost to the Organizer) to determine this, the Organizer will indicate these other causes.
5. Complaints that do not contain the data listed in sec. 10.3. above or have been filed after the time limit indicated in sec. 10.2. are not subject to consideration.
11. Final Provisions
1. The Terms and Conditions may be updated by the Organizer. Amendments to the Terms and Conditions and new versions of the Terms and Conditions will be made available on the website sano.science/seminars.
2. Amendments to the Terms and Conditions shall come into force on the date indicated by the Organizer, no shorter than 14 days from the date of informing about the changes.
3. The introduction of the new Terms and Conditions by the Organizer shall not affect contractual relations established prior to this change.
4. Matters not regulated by these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Polish law, in particular the Civil Code.
12. Personal Data information clause
1. The Controller of the personal data is Sano – Center for Computational Personalised Medicine -International Research Foundation based in (30-054) Krakow, 36/ C5 Czarnowiejska Street, KRS 0000797490, NIP 6772446472, REGON 384298430, hereinafter referred to as Sano;
2. Sano has appointed a data protection officer who can be contacted at email address: iod@sanoscience.org.
3. Participants’ personal data is processed for the purposes of the seminar and communication with participants, based on Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR(necessary of processing for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party).
4. Participants have the right to:
• access to their personal data,
• rectify the data if it is incorrect or incomplete,
• have their data deleted if the circumstances provided for in Article 17 of the DPA apply,
• restriction of data processing in the cases specified in Article 18 DPA,
• data portability as provided for in Article 20 DPA,
• object to the processing of personal data, under the terms of Article 21 DPA.
5. Personal data will be kept for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, but no longer than the period required by applicable law.6. Participants’ personal data may be transferred to entities processing data on behalf of the Controller, such as IT service providers, only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of processing. These entities process data on the basis of a contract with the Controller and only in accordance with the Controller’s instructions.
7. By attending the Seminar, the data subject is providing data to the Collector, which is condition for participation in the seminar. Attendance at the seminar without submitting the data is not possible.
8. Participants have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (President of the Office for Personal Data Protection)in particular in the Member State of his or her habitual residence, place of work or of an alleged infringement of the GDPR