Dr Arkadiusz Sitek will be a Keynote Speaker at KKIO 2021
XXII KKIO Software Engineering Conference will be organized online from Krakow on 21-22 September 2021. One of the Keynotes Speakers at forthcoming edition will be Dr Arkadiusz Sitek. Director of Sano Centre will give his speech on the second day of the conference.
KKIO is a prime software engineering conference organized annually by Polish Information Processing Society. The aim of the forthcoming edition is to stimulate research and to promote cooperation between science and industry, and also the Polish governmental bodies.
The conference will feature a session on Software engineering for Computational Medicine co-organized by Sano Centre.
Registration for the KKIO 2021 conference was started.
Participation is free, but registration is required.
You can register on the page: https://kkio.pti.org.pl/2021/for-participants/Registration
The conference program is available here.
KKIO 2021 | software engineering, conference (pti.org.pl)