HR Excellence in Research
Sano is undertaking activities for implementing the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. This is a continuous process which requires regular evaluation and improvement of Sano activities.
The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers were published by the European Commission in 2005. These are some of the most important documents in European politics which present the way, to increase the attractiveness of the working conditions and the career development for researchers in Europe. They are addressed at the researchers, employers, and entities financing research, in the public and private sectors.
The institutions that implement the Charter and the Code and align their policies to the provisions of both documents receive the „HR Excellence in Research” award from the European Commission. The implementation of the principles of the Charter and the Code is voluntary.
By recognising the value of the Charter and the Code, Sano voluntarily declares commitment to the application of their provisions.
Sano obliges to implement the principles in the HR policy and to raise awareness among academic teachers and other employees.
This webpage will be frequently updated, as Sano will publish all relevant information regarding the process of acquiring the award, including necessary documentation – endorsement letter, GAP Analysis, as well as Human Resources Strategy for Researchers.

About Sano – our Mission, Vision and Values we recognize:
Mission & Vision
Who – What – Why of Sano
Most organizations know who they are and what they do. Nevertheless only few of them know why they do what they do. In Sano we know what we do and how to do it on the highest level. We believe in computational medicine solutions and we enjoy our work. Based on that we define our mission and values.
Our passion is asking questions and seeking for unconventional answers.
The main objective is leveraging computational technologies in the development of futuristic solutions for medical practice. Multidisciplinarity of the projects and diverse perspectives are our strength. By respecting and valuing ethical standards, in particular good scientific practices, transparency, reproducibility of our research and knowledge dissemination, we are building strong connections between us, which empower one another to best work. Thus it become our mission to connect people, ideas and different pespectives no matter of age, ethnicity, or religion. That is why, we want to become one of the best Centre for computational medicine in Central Eastern Europe.
Passion in what we do, engagement in Sano operations, taking responsibility, providing initiative, being happy at work.
Boldness in articulating and pursuing novel ideas, courage to think outside the box.
Directness, openness, tolerance and respect. Scientific integrity (we do not cut corners).
Diversity in backgrounds, cultures and opinions of Sano employees. Promotion of women in STEM.