NEUROPIZZA – the new format of science event created by Sano Centre and Brain and Behaviour Lab
Sano Centre together with Brain and Behaviour Lab decided to create a new activity: NEUROPIZZA.
NEUROPIZZA is a brown bag seminar where people could discuss brain research, encompassing a wide range of fields from neuroscience, biology, psychology, medicine and biomedical engineering among others. The aim is to create a space for discussion.
The first meeting was on Wednesday, November 3 at the Psychology Institute at Jagiellonian University. Krzysztof Bielski, MA from the Neuroeconomics Research Group – NERG, talked about “Parcellation of the human amygdala using recurrence quantification analysis”. The second NEUROPIZZA will take place at Sano Centre Office in Kraków on November, 17 and the speaker will be Luca Gherardini, PhD student at Sano. He is going to talk about an article about Parkinson’s Disease stages, in which it is possible to observe the mechanisms and the pathway which are exploited to spread along the brain.
The NEUROPIZZA meetings will take place every two weeks, interchangeably at the Psychology institute (Ingardena 6 St.) and #SanoCentre (Czarnowiejska 36 St.)
Let’s meet, eat some pizza, talk, discover an innovation and create science!