Research / Structural and Functional Genomics Group
Paweł Szczerbiak
Postdoctoral Researcher in Structural and Functional Genomics Group
He obtained a BSc degree in computational & medical physics at Lodz University of Technology, Poland in 2011. His thesis was devoted to semiconductor lasers modelling. He completed his MSc and PhD degrees in theoretical physics at the University of Warsaw, Poland in 2013 and 2018, respectively. His research was focused on cosmology and particle physics. Both theses concerned dark matter in several extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. Between 2016 and 2018, he supervised a scientific grant “Preludium” from National Science Center titled: “Models of Hot Dark Matter and their phenomenological consequences”. Between 2019 and 2023 he worked as a postdoctoral research associate in Structural and Functional Genomics lab at Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology. Since 2024 he is a postdoctoral researcher in dr Tomasz Kościółek’s research group at Sano.
His current research focus is on methods for protein structure and function prediction with special emphasis on their computational side. In general, he is interested in utilizing mathematical and machine learning techniques in science.