
Business Development / Operations / Finances / Support and Development / Human Talents

Tomasz Gubała

Chief Strategy Officer and a Co-founder of Sano

Graduated as a Computer Scientist in 2003, Tomasz co-developed IT solutions for various domains, including virtual laboratories for science, treatment assistance tools, biology and drug design. He worked as a programmer, designer, architect and technology lead, at or for institutions like University of Amsterdam (NL), Earlham Institute (UK) or Cyfronet (PL). He also co-authored international grant proposals for the total of several million Euros of raised funding.


He also brings to Sano his experience from the private sector, where he co-established two companies introducing novel digital solutions to the market.


In 2016 Tomasz put together six partners across three countries (UK, DE, PL) and coordinated this consortium through several competition stages, to finally acquire in 2019 seed funding of ~30 million Euro. Later that year he co-founded a new, independent centre of research excellence in Kraków – Sano.


In years 2019-2022 Tomasz served at Sano as the leader of the scientific programmers division, which helped Sano researchers with prototyping, product development, data curation and analysis, and HPC & AI stack development. Starting 08.2022 Tomasz was appointed the Executive Director (a VP, Management Board) and he oversaw four support departments at Sano: Human Talent, Development, Finances and Operations. He later (03.2023) moved to a Chief Strategist role and focused on long-term planning.


He once met a grizzly bear in the wild. Apart from meeting bears, Tomasz also likes: ballroom dance, Conrad, pen-and-paper RPG, Dostoyevsky, Formula 1’s engineering, Saint-Exupery, LEGO. Others.