75. Make monitoring of treatment effectiveness
Rafał Niżankowski – Sano Centre for Computational Science, Krakow, PL
- Why patient see doctor ?
- How patient could to know good and bed medical care.
- Value based health care.
- EBM – evidence based medicine
- HTA – health technology assessment
- Clinical practice guidelines
- Accreditation vs outcome measurement
- Indicators reporting vs quality clinical registries
- Major burden, can modern IT could overcome it.
- Abalietas
- Personal electronic assisting care according to clinical pathways
- Collecting data for quality register in background
- Decision support tools at hand.
- CAMEL project
About the author
Rafał Niżankowski
In 1972 I graduated Faculty of Medicine in Krakow. During first 17 years I was dedicated to Intensive Care. In 1976 organize and lead during next 13 years Intensive Care Unit at University Hospital in Krakow. In 1989 I was invited to work in Ministry of Heath during first non-communist government. Major results were introduction of family doctor in primary heath care, establishing first school of public health in Krakow, reform of postgraduate physician training based on residency, establishing National Center for Quality Assessment in Healthcare. After returning to Jagiellonian University and Its Hospital I focused on establishing Department of Angiology which I lead till 2017. As a chairman of this Department, I decided to implement clinical registry for patients who undergo endovascular procedures. We collected 10 years experiences of it influence on clinical practice. Parallel activity focused on building country wide Accreditation Program for Hospitals, which is active from 1997 till now. In 2004 for short period, I served in government as vice-minister of health which resulted in establishing Polish Agency for Medical Technology Assessment. Scientific papers over 200 and which was cited around 1000 times. My doctorate and habilitation thesis concern first use of prostacyclin (vascular hormone).