The Craft of Scientific Modelling: How do we know? The foundation of decision-making. A Lecture by Marco Viceconti (UNIBO)
Dear Colleagues and Scholars,
We are delighted to extend to you an invitation to a thought-provoking lecture by Marco Viceconti, Professor at the University of Bologna (UNIBO) and the chairman of the Sano Internation Scientific Committee.
In this comprehensive lecture, Professor Viceconti will delve into the very foundation of what we consider to be true across various disciplines. He will guide us through the complex process of assessing the credibility of predictive models in medicine, discuss the significance of the VV40 standard, explore the EMA’s position, and reflect on the BBCT qualification advice formulated during the In Silico World (ISW) project.
This session promises to be an invaluable opportunity for anyone interested in the intersection of technology, medicine, and philosophy of science.
Scheduled: 16 Feb 2024 at 09:00 to 11:00, CET
Location: Room TA-05 via Terracini 24 and online: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YWE3NTUxMzktNjY2My00YTRjLThmNGItMTM5YzgxN2ZlZWEz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e99647dc-1b08-454a-bf8c-699181b389ab%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%223bed811d-612b-468f-af61-455efdc836c2%22%7d
We encourage all attendees to engage with Professor Viceconti during the Q&A session that will follow the lecture.
We look forward to your participation.