
Sano – Project Kick-off and official inauguration of the Centre

The official inauguration of the Sano Centre for Computational Medicine took place on 26 November, at the Life Science Open Space 2019 conference organized by Klaster LifeScience Kraków. The establishment of Sano will directly contribute to the advancement of science in our region through new scientific projects and world-class educational opportunities for postgraduate students. It will also foster knowledge and technology transfer by supporting new start-ups in the area of advanced technologies. The Centre’s influence will stretch beyond the region and will also be felt on the international stage, contributing to further development of modern medicine and thereby to improving the quality of medical care.

Sano on the National Centre for Research and Development Conference

The first conference dedicated to the full panorama of the international activity of the National Center for Research and Development took place on October 24, 2019 in Warsaw with the participation of 165 people. Speakers and panelists from around the world talked about their experiences and plans: representatives of the European Commission, SRI International, the Visegrad Group countries, the Baltic States, the US state of Nevada, foreign R&D financing agencies, the National Center for Research and Development and project beneficiaries.