Sano on the National Centre for Research and Development Conference
The first conference dedicated to the full panorama of the international activity of the National Center for Research and Development took place on October 24, 2019 in Warsaw with the participation of 165 people. Speakers and panelists from around the world talked about their experiences and plans: representatives of the European Commission, SRI International, the Visegrad Group countries, the Baltic States, the US state of Nevada, foreign R&D financing agencies, the National Center for Research and Development and project beneficiaries.

The event was prepared by the International Cooperation Department under the slogan “International cooperation. A powerful mechanism to enhance the competitiveness of domestic research sector. “
We exchanged insights on research priorities considered as the basis for initiating international cooperation and we were looking for the best ways to engage entrepreneurs in international research and development projects. Many questions concerned the challenges of the new Horizon Europe program as well as innovative financing practices for advanced research programs and the acceleration of US startups.

As a member of the Teaming for Excellence (Horizon 2020) program, we had the pleasure to talk about the Sano project. As the chairman of the foundation Marian Bubak, talked about the mission of the Sano project for 2019-2026. He noted that the main tasks of the project are: the development of new computational methods, algorithms, models and technologies related to personalized medicine.
The establishment of the Sano Centre will directly contribute to regional scientific excellence by fostering new research collaborations and creating toptier educational opportunities for postgraduate students. It will also improve knowledge and technology transfer by promoting creation of new commercial enterprises which deal with advanced technologies. The Centre’s impact will transcend regional boundaries, contributing to advancements in medical research and thereby to the quality of medical care. The Centre’s objectives are based, among others, on the National Smart Specialisation Strategy. Sano aims to enhance collaboration between academic and commercial institutions on an international scale. Key performance indicators will include a number of highly cited scientific publications, patents and grants obtained by the Centre, the number of solutions based on computational models which have been introduced into clinical practice, and the number of innovative marketable products and services.
More information about National Centre for Research and Development Conference here
Source: National Centre for Research and Development