An interview with Marian Bubak for InSilicoTrials
We invite you to read an interview with Marian Bubak on InSilicoTrials. Scientific Affairs Director of Sano Centre for Computational Medicine told about many interesting topics including the Sano research program covering in silico medicine research areas such as modeling and simulation, data science, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, image processing, IT methods in medicine, large-scale computing, and decision-making support systems.
– Modern medicine should adopt advanced computational technologies and the data systems that can access all the latest knowledge and match them to data of individual patients with a clinical decision support system. Bringing it into routine clinical practice offers a huge potential for increasing healthcare quality and efficiency. As a result, treatments will be optimised, a number of organisational issues will be migrated to machines, and we may expect to reach clinical consistency supported by artificial intelligence – said Marian Bubak.
InSilicoTrials was founded in 2018 and is revolutionizing the healthcare sector through cutting-edge technology made simple and cost-effective for the benefit of pharmaceutical companies and medical device producers.
The interview is available online as text or video below.