Krakow Conference on Computational Medicine 2025

Krakow Conference on Computational Medicine 2025

October 15-17, 2025

The conference’s motto is “Enhancing virtual human twins with AI solutions“. Personalized medicine, focusing on the development of in-silico methods replacing in-vivo and in-vitro methods, should more effectively use the solutions brought by the AI ​​revolution based on machine learning and data analysis methods; perceived not as competitive, but as supporting existing modeling and simulation methods.

Given the Sano Center for Computational Medicine’s expertise in both computer simulation and artificial intelligence, the Conference will be an excellent opportunity to gain greater interaction between the communities working in these two fields. Computer technologies and high-performance computing are of key importance for progress in computational medicine and therefore an additional advantage of the Conference will be the inclusion of technical aspects of the use of new computing infrastructures.

The conference topics will include:

clinical decision support systems based on artificial intelligencepatient data managementdata visualizationmethods of optimizing the acquisitionstorageretrieval and use of information in medicineefficient processing of large data setscomputer simulations using advanced computing infrastructures, federated machine learningmachine learning models for proactive healthcare.

Date: 15-17 October 2025

Location: Sano – Centre for Computational Medicine, Czarnowiejska 36 building C5,
30-054 Krakow

The organization of the Conference is the result of the experience gained by the Sano team during Sano Science Day (2023, 2024) and cooperation in the Life Science Open Space organization (since 2019). The program will include 3 tutorials in the field of computational medicine, AI methods and large-scale computing (Wednesday, October 15, 2025) and 8 sessions (October 16 and 17, 2025).

The Conference Program Committee will be composed of members of the Sano International Scientific Committee and leaders of Sano research teams; the Organizing Committee will be composed by members of the Support Team (

Contributions will be accepted on the basis of the assessment by the Program Committee of two-page abstracts (approx. 2300 characters) with a fixed structure: Introduction, Description of the problem, Related work, Solution of the problem, Conclusions, References. We plan to accept approximately 40 orals and 20 posters. We are planning 4 invited lectures and a panel summarizing the presented research results and suggesting directions for new work.

Source: This video simply explains what in silico medicine is and how it can benefit us all.
Watch the key highlights from last year’s Sano Science Day, where our scientists, engineers, and experts shared their achievements and innovations.