Research / Health Informatics Group at Sano (HIGS)
Amanuel Ergogo
PhD Student in Health Informatics
Amanuel is a Ph.D. student working on a project entitled Machine Learning for Collaborative Robots in Healthcare. In the Sano health informatics team. His main research interest is in computer vision and deep learning for motion planning, controls, and robot autonomy, specifically to provide robotic assistance and manipulation aids in hospital settings. He obtained M.Eng in Control Engineering and Robotics from Wroclaw Science and Technology University in Poland. His Master’s thesis deals with Autonomous mobile robot localization problems, that is to enable the robots to localize themselves in harsh environmental conditions. He earned his BSc degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Wolaita Sodo University in Ethiopia. He has experience working as an assistant lecturer at the same university where he earned his bachelor’s degree.