Anna Maria Trawińska
PR, Branding & Communication Manager
PhD in social sciences, researcher, PR specialist, branding expert, photographer, and storyteller. Anna Maria is creative and innovative thinker and planner, on one hand merges analytical approach and creative one on the other. She follows social changes on an ongoing basis, tries to build the so-called “big picture” of society and combine various elements of the social puzzle in order to navigate the world of constant change in the most efficient way. Holding her sociological hand on society pulse, she tries to merge digital world with social components. A supporter of the #TechForGood idea. Laureate of i.e., the Presidential Expert Program “Ideas Laboratory”, winner of the Orange Polska and the National Chamber of Commerce “Digital Poland 2020” competitions. She cooperated with, i.e., the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Chancellery of the President of Poland, CYBERSEC Forum and one of the largest Polish think tanks – The Kosciuszko Institute.