Prof. Maciej Malawski at CSE23
The end of February was marked by SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23), an important meeting for computational science researchers. This year conference gathered about 2000 attendees in Amsterdam.
The Director of Sano, professor Malawski took part in minisymposium “A Roadmap to Robust Science for High-throughput Applications: Use Cases and Lessons Learned” organized by professor Michela Taufer and professor Ewa Deelman.
Dr. Malawski presented his experience in high-throughput computing applications in computational medicine from the Sano perspective.
Minisymposium included a panel discussion on the roadmap and future directions for robust and trustworthy science, as well as discussions on future collaborations.
It is worth mentioning that on the minisymposium Sano was also represented by two members of Sano International Scientific Committee: already mentioned professor Ewa Deelman and professor Dieter Kranzlmülle.
Abstract of Dr. Malawski presentation is available here: https://meetings.siam.org/sess/dsp_talk.cfm?p=124400