Sano among the guests at the grand opening of the new AstraZeneca office in Krakow
On the 18th of May an opening of a new AstraZeneca Pharma Poland office took place in one of the buildings located at Lubicz Street in the central part of Krakow.
The event was attended by many distinguished guests, including professors of medical sciences, directors of industry companies and the vice-president of the city of Krakow, Andrzej Kulig. Sano was also invited and represented by Maja Więckiewicz, Director of Operations.
We recommend reading the interview in which the Vice President of the Management Board of AstraZeneca Pharma Poland, Barbara Kozierkiewicz, PhD, talks about the cooperation with Sano.
The article is in Polish – https://biotechnologia.pl/biotechnologia/otwarcie-nowego-biura-astrazeneca-w-krakowie-wywiad-z-wiceprezes-zarzadu-barbara-kozierkiewicz,21656