Sano PhD students win “Diamenty AGH” Awards
Our PhD students have achieved prestigious recognition from AGH University of Science and Technology for the second consecutive year by winning the “Diamenty AGH” competition, which honors the best master's theses.
For its 25th year, the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków has once again awarded the prestigious “AGH Diamonds”.
Last year, Dominika Ciupek took first prize in applied science, while this year, Julia Machnio won in theoretical science with Tomasz Pieciak as her promotor. Szymon Mazurek took second prize in applied science, his promotor was Alessandro Crimi. Kudos to these exceptional students their promotors and supporting mentor Maciej Malawski, for their outstanding achievements.
Congratulations to all the winners!
More information can be found here: https://www.agh.edu.pl/aktualnosci/detail/znamy-laureatki-i-laureatow-xxv-konkursu-diamenty-agh