Sano Science at Open Eyes Economy Summit 2022
Yesterday during the Open Eyes Economy Prologue, Dr. Anna Maria Trawinska had the opportunity to talk about Sano Science and the role of computational medicine in the development of future medicine.
Computational medicine is a response to, on the one hand, an aging population, more and more diseases of civilization, and at the same time increasingly difficult access to medical care. It can help create decision support systems that doctors can use, also in the process of diagnosis.
– said our representative during the opening panel
Open Eyes Economy Summit is an interdisciplinary project par excellance. Individual sessions and panels are designed to confront the experiences of representatives of various fields, and the topics we address are situated at the intersection of various areas of knowledge and practice: culture and economics, future cities and future medicine, politics and geography, ecology and business, art and new media, fashion and ethics. It is an international conference, well known and prestigious, gathered important social actors and politicians.
A video of the conference is available on the OEES website: https://kongres.oees.pl/prolog-2022