Sano was actively involved in Impact’22 – the biggest technological conference in CEE!
Karolina L. Tkaczuk, Sano’s Director of Development, was a speaker at the prestigious Impact’22 conference representing Sano Science. In the panel "The use of medical data by #AI to increase access to health services during pandemic and humanitarian crisis", Karolina spoke about, among other things:
- the need to disenchant AI in medicine that is not sci-fi! It’s already happening and it’s an opportunity for better medicine of the future, an opportunity to improve healthcare;
- the need to collaborate with medical professionals and create solutions that are not only impactful, but most importantly effective;
- international collaborations implemented by Sano Science and working with the best.
The discussion also included: Mariusz Mulas, Head of Roche Global IT Solution Centre RDR, Aneta Sieradzka from Sieradzka&Partners and Women in AI Poland and Szymon Korzekwa from BrainScan startup. The discussion was moderated by Joanna Baranowska from EIT Health.
As Sano we also took part in a closed round table discussion with key stakeholders and representatives of the Ministry of Health to discuss the future of digital health in Poland.