“Transcriptomics Atlas Pipeline: Cloud vs HPC” at SC23 in Denver
As a part of an international consortium working on a project “NEARDATA: Extreme Near-Data Processing Platform” supported by the European Union Horizon program, Sano is contributing to the development of a pipeline for building transcriptomics atlas of selected tissues/diseases, with the use of HPC and Cloud technologies.
The goal of the Transcriptomics Atlas project is to create a database of analysed RNA sequences corresponding to given tissue and organ types based on the data from public repositories and to make it available for researchers.
Dr. Maciej Malawski and Piotr Kica, members of the Extreme-Scale Data and Computing team presented the preliminary results of the experimental evaluation of the pipeline in the AWS cloud and the comparison of the results with the traditional execution on the HPC cluster at WORKS 2023*, 18th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science in Denver, US, on 12 November.
The presentation was an important step in summarising the preliminary results and planning the next stages of the project.
*WORKS 2023 is an event connected with the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC23).