This project will develop tools designed to be integrated within the current clinical workflow for assessment of patients presenting with deep vein thrombosis in the lower limb, with focus on the ilio-femoral region. The use of minimally invasive techniques to treat this patient cohort has increased in recent years, but there are significant gaps in the evidence-base to support clinical decision making. Application of computational techniques to provide enhanced assessment of the haemodynamics in these patients from data currently captured routinely during clinical assessments has the potential significantly to enhance this evidence-base, reducing the cost of patient care and improving quality of life in this cohort.
The computational tools developed in the project will consider both the relative influence of local venous anatomy in the region of thrombosis and the anatomy and function of the larger-scale venous circulation which determines the boundary conditions on this local region. Assessment of the uncertainty on model outcomes, due to variability in the clinically measured data will be considered and appropriate mechanisms to present results to clinical end-users will be developed through collaboration with the clinical advisory team.