Computational Medicine challenges in the times of pandemic @Scanbalt Digital Forum 2020
The European common health data space will be the discussion topic at the Scanbalt Digital Forum 2020, to which European cluster organizations are invited. Sano will be present there with the thema: "Computational Medicine challenges in the times of pandemic".
The fight against the current COVID-19 pandemic highlights the importance of closer digital data exchange in healthcare in Europe. The German EU Council Presidency thus emphasizes the significance of advancing a European health data space.
The Baltic Sea cluster ScanBalt will address this issue at its annual ScanBalt forum on 4 September 2020. The forum is part of the Federal Ministry of Health’ associated programme within Germany’s EU Council Presidency and will be opened by Dr Thomas Steffen, State Secretary in the German Ministry of Health. Clusters from all over Europe, consisting of universities, hospitals, research institutions, pharmaceutical and medical device companies and start-ups, are invited to present best practice examples in order to derive recommendations for the creation of a single European data space. These recommendations will be at the heart of a joint declaration, which will be handed over to the German EU Council Presidency for use at the central European Health Data Conference on 11 November 2020.
The forum and the joint declaration will focus on four main topics:
1) The cross-country collaboration on healthcare between European member states
2) A digital solution for the next generation of health research
3) Digital solutions for resilient population protection
4) Digital solutions for protective elderly care and health care systems
Time: Sep 4, 2020 10:00 AM in Brussels (web conference) / Program / Registration
More info on the Scanbalt website.