Congratulations on a student grant for Filip Katulski
We are happy to announce that Filip Katulski, a Junior Scientific Programmer at the Clinical Data Science team, has been awarded a student grant by the 23rd European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2023).
The EASSS 2023 is organized under the auspices of EURAMAS, the European Association for Multi-Agent Systems, and has a rich programme on a broad range of topics in the area of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.
Besides the tutorials, there will also be an open poster session, which will be attended by another Sano scientist – Luca Gherardini, a Ph.D. student at the Personal Health Data Science team. Luca will introduce his poster on the topic of “Agent-based classification using explicit and tacit knowledge for disease classification”.
EASSS 2023 will be held at the Faculty of Information Technology of Czech Technical University in Prague, from July 17th till 21st, 2023.
Congratulations to Filip and Luca and good luck at the Summer School!
More information about the EASSS 2023: https://easss23.pages.fit/