Meet us in Prague! Five papers accepted for ICCS 2023
“Computation at the Cutting Edge of Science” - it is a slogan of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2023), an A-rank conference in the CORE classification. Since 2001, ICCS annually brings together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science, as well as from other areas pioneering computational methods in science. Average attendance of the conference each year is about 350 participants. Submission of papers and participation in this event is an important achievement for scientists.
Sano scientists will present papers on various topics for the conference.
The paper of Magdalena Dul and Michal K. Grzeszczyk from Sano, Ewelina Nojszewska (Warsaw School of Economics), and Arkadiusz Sitek (Harvard Medical School) shows the of results of using Markovian Monte Carlo Simulation for estimation of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on breast cancer deaths and costs in Poland.
The Extreme Scale Data and Computing team detailed some of the work performed in the context of the InSilicoWorld project in the paper “Digital twin simulation development and execution on HPC infrastructures”. Authors: Marek Kasztelnik, Piotr Nowakowski, Jan Meizner, Maciej Malawski, Adam Nowak, Krzysztof Gądek, Karol Zając, Antonino Amedeo La Mattina and Marian Bubak.
Filip Katulski, Maciej Malawski and Ahmed Abdeen Hamed from Sano presented the design of federated Full-Text Search architecture, a powerful environment which can support scientists with a tool for processing the biomedical literature known as PubMed.
Rosmary Blanco, Cemal Koba, and Alessandro Crimi, from Sano Computer Vision Data Science team presented their investigations of the topological properties of functional networks of the resting-state brain between synchronous EEG and fNIRS connectomes, across frequency bands, using source space analysis, and through graph theoretical approaches.
Professor Wesław Nowiński from Sano presented possibly one of the first approaches to modeling of the human connectome formulated at the nano level in a paper “Toward the human nanoscale connectome: neuronal morphology format, modeling, and storage requirement estimation”.
More about the conference: https://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2023/