Pederzani, Giulia, Krzysztof Czechowicz, Nada Ghorab, Paul D. Morris, Julian P. Gunn, Andrew J. Narracott, David Rodney Hose, and Ian Halliday
We present computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results of virtual fractional flow reserve (vFFR) calculations, performed on reconstructed arterial geometries derived from a digital phantom (DP). The latter provides a convenient and parsimonious description of the main vessels of the left and right coronary arterial trees, which, crucially, is CFD-compatible. Using our DP, we investigate the reconstruction error in what we deem to be the most relevant way—by evaluating the change in the computed value of vFFR, which results from varying (within representative clinical bounds) the selection of the virtual angiogram pair (defined by their viewing angles) used to segment the artery, the eccentricity and severity of the stenosis, and thereby, the CFD simulation’s luminal boundary. The DP is used to quantify reconstruction and computed haemodynamic error within the VIRTUheartTM software suite. However, our method and the associated digital phantom tool are readily transferable to equivalent, clinically oriented workflows. While we are able to conclude that error within the VIRTUheartTM workflow is suitably controlled, the principal outcomes of the work reported here are the demonstration and provision of a practical tool along with an exemplar methodology for evaluating error in a coronary segmentation process.