Exploring the Impact of Blindness on Brain Organization with Cemal Koba

Exploring the Impact of Blindness on Brain Organization with Cemal Koba

We are excited to announce that Cemal Koba, a researcher from Sano, will be presenting at the upcoming Neuropizza seminar series.

We are excited to announce that Cemal Koba, a researcher from Sano, will be presenting at the upcoming Neuropizza seminar series.

Seminar Overview

The seminar, entitled “The effect of blindness on the macroscale organization of thebrain,” will explore the organization of the cortex along functional gradients and its potential alterations due to sensory experience. Utilizing advanced resting-state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI), this research compares the brain organization among congenitally blind, late blind, and sighted individuals. The findings reveal significant differences in gradient values, particularly along the visual-somatosensory axis, providing deep insights into how sensory experiences during development can shape the brain’s functional architecture.

Why Attend the Neuropizza?

This presentation offers a unique opportunity for students, faculty, and researchers interested in the latest advancements in neuroscience and the intricate relationship between sensory experience and brain structure. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding and have the chance to discuss the implications of these compelling findings with Cemal Koba.

Event Details

This session is scheduled for January 30, 2025, at 13:00, and will be held in room 0.02 at the Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University. The event is jointly curated by the Behaviour Lab at Jagiellonian University and the Sano Centre.