Karolina Tlałka, Harry Saxton, Ian Halliday, Xu Xu, Daniel Taylor, Andrew Narracott, Maciej Malawski

In this study, the authors performed a local sensitivity analysis, a computationally inexpensive method of identifying influential parameters, supplemented with orthogonality analysis. A zero-dimensional closed-loop model with a one-chamber heart was analyzed in two versions – regulated in a rest state (with the representation of baroreflex proposed by Ursino in doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.1998.275.5.H1733, but without any disturbance) and unregulated. Comparing results for the models, it is clear that the influence of baroreflex parameters is visibly smaller than cardiovascular (regulation set-point is the exception). Vagal activity dominates. The conclusion is that local sensitivity analysis may be successfully used to increase knowledge about the model and to validate it, but one must be aware of its limitations.

Authors: Karolina Tlałka, Harry Saxton, Ian Halliday, Xu Xu, Daniel Taylor, Andrew Narracott, Maciej Malawski

DOI: doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-63772-8_17

Keywords: model development, sensitivity analysis, baroreflex